Sunday, June 28, 2009

Radio City Hyderabad AND Me!

Radio City is almost like a lifeline for me like the 911 or emergencey numbers - it gives me a great sense of security!

It's on throughout the time I'm at home and I feel absolutely thrilled to hear the Time Check, news on the Traffic Jams, the weather and the lil tidbits of news I get about Hyderabad. I feel as I'm back home and commuting to work listening to the radio in the car. Great connection!

Sometimes when I speak with mom I keep telling her news about Hyd and she's gets surprised that I'm so up-to-date! Thanks to Radio City!

Apart from the lifeline it provides, it's great FUN too living upto its slogan - Whatte Fun! In the recent past I loved the Navvula Don and the silly jokes and narrations. There aren't too many stupid ads like some other channels and its got a good balance of programs. The DJs of this channel are mature and highly energetic keeping the audience on their toes, interested.

To top it all this channel has my best friend as a prominent DJ! The world famous Anna the one and only Vamsee Anna (only for the guys!) Ha ha!

(P.S. - Dear Vamsee this blog-post is dedicated to u! I might write more soon...)


Don't know if this has become an official word in the Oxford dictionary but I'm sure everyone uses it.

Just an example on how addicted I've become to Googling...One HOT (warm) Sunday afternoon when I was bored I started googling on things to do when you are BORED! Oh God! And that got me thinking that I've become a real pathetic addict to the net. It just kind of follows me everywhere....

God knows how I manged to survive before the internet but it sure seems difficult now even for 10 minutes! Connected to it 24 hours...if my laptop and my mobile could speak probably they would abuse me for no holidays!

What about you'll do you feel the same?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Size Zero Namita!

After mentioning her in my previous blogpost I simply had to comment on this article!
I'm sure the news that Namita is going to the gym, probably to compete with Kareena Kapoor's size Zero image, must be shocking most of her fans. She's considered one of the hottest belles of the South Indian film industry (for the unfortunate ignorant lot!).
I saw this lady in Paris in 2006 and I have to say that she was really quite something - charming. Bumped into her in the Christian Dior showroom on Champs Elysees. She was wearing a cute lil mini frock and was quite a stunning picture in that dainty shop. She had some insignificant guys around her and was clinging onto one of them but as I said they were all insignificant. She bought a crate of perfumes, charmed the salesmen and walked down the famous road to her parked limousine. It was almost as if a path had opened up for her on the road - royal treatment on the busy road. People just stopped walking and kept staring - I suppose there's some air about these film stars which is really captivating.
I've met many film stars since my childhood but I've never seen this kind of appreciation on foreign streets! I need not say what my hubs reaction was - spellbound - I remember he called his best friend B in India right away to convey the news.
She wasn't the Namita of the Billa kinds - back then she was quite slimmer and prettier. Well, I'm sure the gymming will help her get meatier meaningful roles than the cheapster roles she's been getting into!
All the best to her!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Media Overdose!

Everyone nowadays seems to be complaining about the Media and the exaggerated information that is conveyed regularly by them.
Look at it within the backdrop of the economic recession and every Tom, Dick and Jane (sorry Harry got lost) starting new media ventures. What will they do? They have to repeat every damn newstelecast and invent or create news.
I read about Monsieur Gaston Leroux of the Phantom of The Opera fame who created an entire civil war story during the pre-WWI era. He had overslept through a station that he had to get off at and invented a whole new story of the military's deception in that country. He sent it to the UK and US creating discord and changing history once and for all for an X country.
So inventing and exaggeration has been in existence for almost a century now. We poor unfortunate readers sometimes simply get carried away with all this.
For instance my homepage is AOL and I keep getting harassed by completly unnecessary pieces of information ranging from Michelle Obama's undergarments brands to President Kgalema Motlanthe's rapist tribal backgroud to Namita going to the gym! Yes, I would die without these pieces of information - thanks very much!
The worst info I read recently which brought on this media tirade was the Air France crash - Ok fine all of us know there's been an accident, we've sympathised with the victims, I've shed many tears prayed for their souls and Im at peace now - but the media didnt want to leave me alone! I had to be harassed with information on how the jet blew up in the air and why the recovered bodies had multiple fractures and the technical details and pictures and diagrams explaining it.
I have a choice to close my eyes but unfortunately once you are educated words just jump at you and your mind automatically reads them even if you DON'T want to!
If anyone finds a solution to this kindly let me know...
(P.S. Anu - nothing to do with u or ur style of writing - just a general observation - I'm sure u'll agree with me!)

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous!

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous is the way to sum up the world - the wheel of fortune and the lifecycle ...No! I'm not getting philosophical it's just a thought.

My writing seems to have gone through one of those cycles reaching the peak (number of posts) in April to the lows over the past 2 months. Rather from the Zenith to the Abyss! I think I jump through extremes without any middle paths must be something to do with being born in June (Cancerian).

I think I'm getting back to some sensible/insensible/creative/ funny any and all types of writing. How do I know this? It happens when I start dreaming of words and topics, when ideas keep flitting across my brain at all odd times and places. I've started carrying a notepad in my handbag for the odd scribbles and it gives me my own mean pleasure!

Ok let's just read on and write on...