Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Plus Size 'Framing'!

Due to the human development over centuries the size of the human being has increased over time. How do we let a woman know this without touching on the sentimentalities. By Framing...
In architecture, one of the most common ways of making healthy and large people feel smaller is by expanding the world around them. Architectural designers call it “framing.” A person who is big does not want to look big. So if their house is bigger, they will look of a more average proportion. Over the past 20 years, the fashion industry has manipulated clothing sizes to accommodate its widening public, especially women. (Source Encyclopaedia).

If you observe carefully there would be an average of 2 inch variance in a 1980's dress size and a 2000's dress size. For example 20 years ago a size 6 (US) would now be a size 0.That's getting SMART!

In India, I always felt frustrated going out shopping as I never could find any ready to wear clothes to suit my style (read as size). Many shopkeepers even insulted me by saying sorry Mam we don't stock clothes for tall women or some such comments. The ultimate feeling was I was some female version of Godzilla! Most tall and healthy women complained of similar experiences of shame and disgust they felt. The concept of Framing probably passed-by the Indian fashion industry which definitely needed some inputs.
They are losing customers and their credibility. Many friends used to go to Dubai or London every 6 months just to avoid the disgusting experiences in the Indian shops. Now that I have experienced shopping abroad I totally agree with them - although at that time I used to feel it was an expense. But, yes its worth it.
The western men and women have larger bone structures and naturally the sizes vary a lot. In the US you can also get a jeans with a 56 waist size - off the shelf! That's as how far you can get...not that you should try it.
Shopping relaxes and pleases me always and especially here because most of my dresses would be easy to find and at a starting range. Gives me a kick to know I'm fine and not Godzilla after all! No need to try any Framing for me ! I fit in as I'm Tiny after all - do you see?
Note: Thanks to Anu I discovered the pleasures of shopping abroad. Anu this is for you and me.

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