Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gulaal in Belgium!!! - The Inverse Proportion

It's not about Holi in Belgium - it's about the movie Gulaal and the concept of "Privy purses" and the inverse relationship with "Dole money".
The movie does not have any stance to make it to even a C grade/category. However it made me ponder about the mind sets of the Kings and the Princes who might have lived or suffered in more than one way when the Republic of India was formed in 1947. And a basic similarity between this style of living to that of the immigrants in Belgium.
So what's this all about - the basics:
* privy purse - allowance for a monarch's personal expenses after seizing his property and title by democratic governments.
* dole money - social security allowance paid out to the unemployed/ or poor people in Belgium (and many other countries)
The Nawabs of Hyderabad (for example) were asked to give up their titles, land and money in 1947 and the Govt of India metered out some dough in proportion to their previous estates and incomes. Obviosuly this was a huge difference of lifestyles leading to severe heart burn and depression for many. The true story of riches to rags! In 1970's the Indira Gandhi govt abolished the concept of Privy purses too and asked them to go and live in the real world - earn their own money. Finally they became paupers in their own land.
Look at this contrast -

Here in Belgium dole money is very popular. People have no qualms of being 'chômage' (unemployed) infact they thrive on it. Belgium's immigrant policies are very flexible and it provides asylum to many of the East European immigrants and how do all these people survive? The main problem is that the unemployed are entitled to the dole without limitation in time and can only lose it if they refuse too often to take jobs that the National Organisation for Employment (ONEM) proposes to them. An unemployed person in Belgium receives in average 723 euro per month (in 2005), but sometimes over 1000 euro for married people with chidlren. Through organizations like CPAS this amount can go up. Well who will work when such luxury is given on a platter! Finally they become richer in foreign lands. Rags to Riches?

Maybe this is what they call the Circle of Life - The Wheel of Fortune or whatever! So, whether you are rich or poor now doesnt matter as we dont know what the future holds. Until then let's just enjoy each Day!

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