Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coup de grâce - EXIT mercifully?

In other words Mercy Killing or Euthenasia! I know this is an old and quite a sensitive topic. I'm not going to get into whether it's Right or Wrong.

I have a neighbour, a very old lady living alone, who suffers from time to time with various ailments. Yesterday the ambulances and the nurses were all over the place trying to strap her onto the stretcher, while she continued talking to me. She kept alternating between prayers and some delirium and said it would be better to die in a dignified manner. That got me thinking about the laws and I was shocked to discover that I'm living in a country which has many pro-Euthenasia laws. I must have read about it earlier but it has to hit you to make you realise it!

Some basic thought provoking facts:
- The term euthanasia comes from the Greek words "eu"-meaning good and "thanatos"-meaning death, which combined means “well-death” or "dying well".
For me, "Dying well" means being remembered with love by friends and family and having made that tiny little mark in the world.

- This term was very loosely used by the Nazis for their famous acts of Genocide. Wiping out a complete race may have effectively helped them find their way to Hell!

- Euthenasia can be Voluntary or Involuntary. It can be Passive, Non-Active or Active. It can also be in the form of 'Assited Suicide'.
Choose your style and move to a country that supports it. It's SIMPLE! What a choice!

- Most religions in the world support forms of Euthenasia mostly the Passive form. Some call it Charity, some call it God's Call. Some Samurai rituals are akin to the active euthenasia techinques.
Now who can really believe there's God if our scriptures say we shouldn't prolong life unnecessarily - hanging on by a bare thread is supposed to be Insulting as per most religions!!!
The Belgian law allows 'assisted suicide' form of euthenasia and it was the second country in the world to make euthenasia legal. Allow people to Live in Dignity and to Die in Dignity is the motto. Some people here actually believe that it allows them to sleep happily knowing that they have this CHOICE.

I don't know whether we are aiming at relieving the Body or the Soul in these contexts. It's a humbling thought to realize that Death is inevitable but accepting that it's the Cycle of Life makes it easier to live - I feel!

Today I heard from the hospital that the old lady is better and might come back home soon. Let's pray for her and may God help her with her choices...

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