Thursday, January 15, 2009


Soulmates - who are they? Do they exist? Do u have one? Well I do!

To Have one - Its thrilling! Its enriching! Its FUN! Its life! Its like smiling while eating your favorite ice cream - close your eyes and savour the taste. That's what a soulmate does to you - keeps you in a constant secure zone of trust and friendship!

And this happens only when 2 people feel they bond and at the same time! You cannot go upto someone and say hey hi would you be my soulmate! That's hilarious. You've gotta connect and feel it.

People laugh when I say I have a couple of soulmates. Cant help it I just do have two people whom I have really connected with well and really well. Hmm Maybe that's why I have these extra amounts of bountiful energy, never say die attitude and the ever lasting smile on my face! Someone once said that I've got this irritating Positive attitude and outlook well that's just me - Thanks to my friends. Couldn't ask for anything more rite?

Sometimes a chance meeting can bond you with someone asap. Sometimes it takes years to understand that you've been staring at your soulmate for all that time without realising it. Sometimes you just know it!

And what is the difference in best friends and soulmates? I think friendship is something which needs constant interaction to thrive. Soulmates do not. U can be totally out of touch for sometime but u know that they are there. My hubs has this one soulmate - although he doesn't call him so - u know how it is different for guys - they generally don't like expressing through such words! Anyway these two guys maybe haven't met in 6 years but declare themselves as die hard friends fans and more and knowing both of them - I can say Yes they are! Well there's your soulmate.

Someone who understands you so well that she completes your thoughts and sentences. You don't have to explain a damn thing - no excuses - no explanations - nothing - just be yourself - no pretensions.

Every husband and wife might not achieve this relationship but it would be great to be soulmates. Its only on paper or in a romantic novel. But mostly in a married relationship people expect too much of each other or take each other for granted which is detrimental to the concept of soulmates. Well that's another issue all together and digresses from the topic.

Another thing about soulmates is that everyone who knows you will also know, hear or meet your soulmate!!! Its kinda irritating but then that's what happens. They kind of grow on you... so much so that your family, friends and colleagues all hear about it. Now imagine life when u have 4-5 soulmates. Your conversation would revolve around them about them and everyone around you would get pissed off. Imagine the time when u fall in love and have this dreamy eyes starry look. Soulmates give you that hazy look on a permanent level because you are so confident so secure so assured that people care for you and that you have someone to depend on! That's goes right to the core of the human wants in life - love and security!

It scores 10/10 on the human scale. That's a unique thing you might be lucky to get in life! I'm blessed and hope you are too...Have fun!

Irresistable it is and at the cost of repeating myself I simply have to mention the names on my list - One is ofcourse my dearest hubs and best friend Chandrashekar. The other is also ofcourse Ekta our friendship simply transcends all these earthly words.

If you haven't heard of these two people in my life then you dont know me at all!

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