Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Amish - The Other World!

Can you imagine life without electricity or Television or Telephones. How would you feel if you didn't have a car or a bike to commute? I can imagine life w/o some of these but telephone goes beyond every nightmare.

But why do you need to think of a life like this? I just saw a program about the AMISH and realized that they are a society within a society. In America - In Philadelphia within 2 hours driving distance from the world's leading business city - New York. Yes, these people live without all these luxuries - which we have taken for granted. They lead their lives exactly as their ancestors did 300 years ago. Their dress, means of transportation (horse buggy), their customs and traditions and most important their faith in God is exactly the same as their forefathers designed.
Originally from Germany and Switzerland these people migrated to the west and are now known as the Pennsylvania Dutch folk. Their language sounds like Dutch - German. So how do they survive in this competitive world? Money- business - school - how where what? I was intrigued to find out more. Its simple they follow some basic rules:

  • Farming is the primary means of income
  • Follow the rules laid down by the forefathers to the 'T' - they survived happily so can we
  • They send their children to their own schools till 14 years
  • They support each other - social interaction is high on their agenda of lifestyles
GOD and Thy Neighbour will protect you throughout life! That's' the underlying secure feeling they carry!
Its Amazing how Generations together have managed to hold onto their beliefs and its no wonder that they are UN_HIT by these worldly RECESSIONS. Now that's a thought which we should dwell on! Check out this link for more details on this blissful existence -

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